Package Manager

Sacalon has a built-in package manager that allows you to install packages from the a git repository.

Installing a package

To get and install a package, you can use the get command :

sacalon get <git url> <package name>
  • <git url> is the url of the git repository
  • <package name> is the name of the package(optional, recommended, default is the url)

Note: If you don't specify the package name, you should import it like this :


Updating a package

To update a package, you can use the update command :

sacalon update <package name ot git url>

Listing packages

To list all packages, you can use the list command :

sacalon list

if you want to list all subpackages of a package, you can use the list command with name of the package :

sacalon list <package name>
  • <package name> is the name of the package you want to list subpackages

For example :

$ sacalon list crypto
list of all subpackages in crypto :
- sha256