Configure the compiler

You can use config.json file to configure your Sacalon compiler.

The following configuration options are available:

  • filename : your main file name, if you set it, you will no longer need to pass the file name to the compiler.
  • compiler : your c++ compiler name(e.g : g++,clang++)
  • optimize : optimize level(0,1,2,3)(default : no optimize, e.g: -O2)
  • flags : custom flags(e.g:["-pthread"])
  • c++_version : your c++ standard(e.g:c++17 or c++20),note: c++ version must be greater than or equal to c++17 and compiler must support c++17
  • compiler_output : if you want to see c++ compiler output, set this to true
  • c++_out : if you want to see generated c++ code, set this to true, the generated c++ code are in fil.
  • only_compile if you want only to compile and not link program, set this to true.
  • no_std : if it is true, the runtime library will not link with your code(you will not be able to use builtin functions).