Importing & Creating modules

A module is a package of code that can be imported into another module to use its code.

Importing a module

You can use other modules by importing them. You can import a module by using the use keyword:

use os

function main() : int {
   return 0

Importing multiple modules

You can import multiple modules by using the use keyword and separating the module names with a comma:

use os, math, conv

For importing a submodule of a module, you can use the . operator:

use crypto.sha256

Creating a module

For creating a module, you can create a file with the same name as the module and with the extension .has and put the module code inside it:


function add(x:int, y:int) : int {
    return x + y


use add

function main() : int {
    return 0

Creating foldered modules

Module files can be placed in a folder, for creating a foldered module you should first create the folder and then create the _.has file inside it.

The _.has file is the main file of the module and compiler will look for it. You can also import submodules in _.has file.

Note: Any submodule that is not imported in _.has file will be ignored. Note: Any submodule can have other submodules.