

Sacalon is a general purpose and open source programming language designed to build optimal, maintainable, reliable, and efficient software. More features of Sacalon :

  • Easy to use and easy to learn
  • Multi-paradigm
  • Null safety by default
  • Fast and powerful
  • Inspired by Swift, Pascal
  • Compiles to C++
  • Compatible with C\C++\Obj-C
  • Builtin compile time FFI system
  • Built-in HTTP Library

Standard Library Documentation

Standard Library Documentation available here.


We welcome contributions of all kinds.

You can contribute to this book by opening an issue or forking and sending a pull request to the main Sacalon repository. Knowing what people use this book for the most helps direct our attention to making those sections the best that they can be. We also want the reference to be as normative as possible, so if you see anything that is wrong, please also file an issue.


Requirements :

  • python>=3.7
  • gcc>=8(or any c++ compiler that supports c++17)
  • libcurl,libssl,libcrypt
  • git(to clone Sacalon's source code)

*Nix Users(recommended)

You can use the sacalon.sh script to automate the process of installing and adding sacalon to PATH:

git clone https://github.com/sacalon-lang/sacalon.git
cd sacalon/
chmod +x ./sacalon.sh
bash ./sacalon.sh

Windows Users

> git clone https://github.com/sacalon-lang/sacalon.git
> cd sacalon
> make deps-windows
> make windows

Now your Sacalon compiler is ready to use in dist folder, you can add it to $PATH.

NOTE: The latest version of Sacalon should always be used. Old versions have bugs when running binary versions of Sacalon.

Hello World!

Now that you have successfully installed Sacalon, let's write our first program with it. You will write a program that prints Hello World! on the terminal.

Creating a project directory

You can write your Sacalon programs every where but, we suggest that you create a directory for your project.

At first, create a directory in your home directory(or anywhere else):

mkdir hello_world
cd hello_wrold

Writing the code

Next make a new file and name it main.has. Sacalon files should end with .has extension.

Now open your code editor (If you are using vscode install sacalon extension for better coding from this link) and write the following code in main.has :

function main() : int {
    print("Hello World!")
    return 0

Save the file, and return to the terminal and enter the following command to build your program :

sacalon main.has

Now run the generated excutable file :

$ ./main
Hello World!

On Windows you should use .\main.exe instead of ./main :

$ .\main.exe
Hello World!

Congratulations - you just wrote and executed your first Sacalon program!

Reviewing the code

Let's review our simple program. Here's the first piece of the program:

function main() : int {

These lines define a function that returns an integer number. The main function is the entry point of your program and it should always return int(an integer). If there were parameters, they would go inside the parentheses, ().

Also, note that function statements should be in {} and you can write function codes inside {}.

Inside the main function is the following code :

print("Hello World!")

This code print the passed arguments, you can pass more parameters :

print("Hello World!",42,3.14)

After the calling print command, there is the following statement :

return 0

It returns 0 at the end of the function, every function that returns a value(declared with : after () in a function declaration) should return a value corresponding to the type.

Returning the 0 value in main function tell the OS that your program has executed successfully.

Project Manager

Sacalon has a builtin build system and project manager. This tool builds and runs your project, and installs dependencies.

Creating a new project

Let's create a new project and compare it with the Hello World example in previous chapter.

To create a project you should create a directory for your project :

$ mkdir hello_world_2
$ cd hello_world_2

Now we create a new project with following command :

$ sacalon init

After running above command, you’ll see Sacalon has generated two files and one directory for us: a config.json file, a .gitignore file and a src directory with a app.has file inside.

config.json :

	"filename": "src/app.has", 
	"outfile": "build/app", 

The filename field contains your main file that contains your entry function(main) and outfile field is output path of excutable file.

src/app.has :

function main():int{
	print("Hello World!")
	return 0

The generated Sacalon file contains Hello World! program, you can edit it.

Building a project

You can build the project with following command :

$ sacalon build

Excutable file will generate in build directory and you can run it with following command :

$ ./build/app

Running a project

To run the project, you can use run command :

$ sacalon run
Hello World!

That builds excutable file and runs it.

Configure the compiler

You can use config.json file to configure your Sacalon compiler.

The following configuration options are available:

  • filename : your main file name, if you set it, you will no longer need to pass the file name to the compiler.
  • compiler : your c++ compiler name(e.g : g++,clang++)
  • optimize : optimize level(0,1,2,3)(default : no optimize, e.g: -O2)
  • flags : custom flags(e.g:["-pthread"])
  • c++_version : your c++ standard(e.g:c++17 or c++20),note: c++ version must be greater than or equal to c++17 and compiler must support c++17
  • compiler_output : if you want to see c++ compiler output, set this to true
  • c++_out : if you want to see generated c++ code, set this to true, the generated c++ code are in your_filename.cc fil.
  • only_compile if you want only to compile and not link program, set this to true.
  • no_std : if it is true, the runtime library will not link with your code(you will not be able to use builtin functions).

Write a guessing game



Comments are used to document code and to explain what the code does, they are not executed.

// This is a single line comment

This is a multi-line comment
This is a multi-line comment

Primitive types

The following types are primitive:

bool // boolean value

string // string literal

int8 uint8 // 8-bit integer
int16 uint16 // 16-bit integer
int int32 uint32 // 32-bit integer
int64 uint64 // 64-bit integer

float // floating point 
double // double floating point


A variable is a named storage for a value. Variables are declared using the var keyword :

var foo : int = 1

Also you can declare a variable without type, in this case, the type will be inferred by the value assigned to it:

var foo = 1

Non nullable and nullable

Null safety is a feature that allows you to declare that a variable can be null or not null, and Sacalon uses this feature to make sure that your code is safe.

Sacalon's variables and constants are non-nullable by default that means that they cannot be null(NULL) and you can't assign NULL to them and you should assign a value to them when you declare them.

var foo : int = 1 // non-nullable
var foo_error : int // error : nullable variable must be assigned a value

But you can make variables and constants nullable by adding ? to their type:

var bar : int? = 1 // nullable

so you can use NULL to set a variable to null :

bar = NULL // ok


Pointers are a way to access the memory address of a variable. You can declare a pointer using the ^ operator after the type:

var foo : int^?

NOTE: pointers are non-nullable by default, use ? to make it nullable:

You use cast to assign a value to a pointer:

foo = (int^)1

Finally, you can use the ^ operator to access the value stored in a pointer:

var foo : int^ = (int^)1
print(^foo) // 1

NOTE: We recommend you to always allocate pointers with new keyword and deallocate with delete keyword, for more information go to Memory management chapter.

NOTE: Currently only one level of pointers are supported.

Static variables

Static variables are variables that are declared outside of a function and are accessible from anywhere in the program.

Static variables are declared using the static keyword before the type:

var foo : static int = 1


Numbers are either integers or floating point numbers. You can declare a number using the following types:

int8 uint8 // 8-bit integer
int16 uint16 // 16-bit integer
int int32 uint32 // 32-bit integer
int64 uint64 // 64-bit integer

float // floating point 
double // double floating point

So you can use the following operators to perform arithmetic operations:

  • + : addition
  • - : subtraction
  • * : multiplication
  • / : division

See the following example:

var a : int = 123
var b : float = 1.23
var c : double = 1.2313213215648789798


Strings are a sequence of characters. You can declare a string using the string keyword:

var foo : string = "Hello World"

You can use the + operator to concatenate strings:

var foo : string = "Hello" + " World"

And you can use the [] operator to access a character in a string:

var foo : string = "Hello"
print(foo[1]) // 'e'

Note: type of accessed character is char Note: the first character in a string is at index 0.

With len function you can get the length of a string:

var foo : string = "Hello"
print(len(foo)) // 5

Note: len function is a built-in function.

Escape sequences

You can use escape sequences to print special characters:

var foo : string = "Hello\tWorld"
print(foo) // Hello    World

The following escape sequences are supported:

  • \n : newline
  • \t : tab
  • \r : carriage return
  • \\ : backslash
  • \' : single quote
  • \" : double quote
  • \? : question mark
  • \a : bell
  • \b : backspace
  • \f : form feed
  • \v : vertical tab
  • \0 : null character
  • \x____ : hexadecimal character
  • \u____ : unicode character
  • \U____ : unicode character
  • \_____ : arbitrary octal value

Note: _____ means you should specify the id of the character you want to print.

Reverse a string

You can reverse a string by using the string_reverse function in the strings package:

use strings

function main() {
    var foo : string = "Hello World"
    print(string_reverse(foo)) // dlroW olleH


Arrays are collections of data elements of the same type. They can be represented by a list of elements surrounded by brackets. The elements can be accessed by appending an index (starting with 0) in brackets to the array variable:

Arrays declare like following:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
var bar : [string] = ["Hello", "World"]

You can use the [] operator to access an element in an array:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
print(foo[1]) // 2

And you can assign a value to an array element:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
foo[1] = 4
print(foo[1]) // 4

With append built-in function you can append an element to an array:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
print(foo[3]) // 4

And you can get the length of an array with the len built-in function:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
print(len(foo)) // 3

Type compatibility

Type compatibility is very close to automatic or implicit type conversion. The type compatibility is being able to use two types together without modification and being able to subsititute one for the other without modification.

Compatible types are:

  • int (and its subtypes like uint8,etc) and float.
  • int(and its subtypes like uint8,etc) and double.
  • float and double

Note: strings are not compatible with characters.

Conditional statements

Conditional statements are used to execute a block of code if a condition is true or false.


You can use the if keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")


You can use the else keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is false:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")
} else {
    print("foo is not 1")

Else if

You can use the else if statement to execute a block of code, if else if a condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")
} else if foo == 2 {
    print("foo is 2")
} else {
    print("foo is not 1 or 2")

and and or and not

You can use the and keyword to execute a block of code, if all conditions are true:

var foo : int = 1
var bar : int = 2
if foo == 1 and bar == 2 {
    print("foo is 1 and bar is 2")

You can use the or keyword to execute a block of code, if at least one condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
var bar : int = 2
if foo == 1 or bar == 2 {
    print("foo is 1 or bar is 2")

You can use the not keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is false:

var foo : int = 1
if not foo == 1 {
    print("foo is not 1")

Conditional Operators

==Returns true if the operands are equal.var1 == var2
!=Returns true if the operands are not equal.var1 != var2
>Returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand.var1 > var2
>=Returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.var1 >= var2
<Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand.var1 < var2
<=Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.var1 <= var2
andReturns true if the left operand and right operand are truevar1 == 1 and var2 == 2
orReturns true if the left operand or right operand are truevar1 == 1 or var2 == 2
notReturns true if the operand are false or if the operand is true returns falsenot true


You can use the while keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
while foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")
    foo = 2

The for keyword is used to execute a block of code for a number of times:

for i in range(0, 10) {

Also you can use the for keyword for iterating over an array:

var foo : [int] = [1,2,3]
for i in foo {


Functions are a way to group code that can be called to perform a specific task. You can declare a function using the function keyword:

function foo() {
    print("Hello World")

Also your function block should be outside of a function.

Your function can have parameters and return a value. You can declare parameters and return type, like variable declarations:

function add(x:int,y:int): int {
    return x + y

In the example above, x and y are parameters and their type(int) is your return type.

Note: you can use ? to make a parameter nullable.

Calling a function

You can call a function by using the function name followed by parentheses:


If you want to pass some arguments to your function, you can use them in the parentheses(separate with ,):


Also you can assign the return value of a function to a variable:

var foo : int = add(1,2)

Function overloading

You can overload functions by defining a new function and changing the number of parameters or the type of parameters or return type of function :

function add(x:int,y:int,z:int): int {
    return x + y + z

// overloading function `add`
function add(x:int,y:int){
    print(x + y)

function main(): int {

Passing function as parameter

To passing a function as parameter you should define a parameter in with Function type with following syntax :


For example :

function foo(func: Function[float, int]int) : int{

At above we defined a function with name foo that takes a function as its parameter and given function should has two parameters with types float and int(respectively) and it should returns int.

Also we can call given function like other functions, change the foo function code to following code :

function foo(func: Function[float, int]int){

Now we define a function to pass to foo func and must have the properties specified in the foo function(two parameters with types int and float and int as return type):

function bar(a:float, b:int) : int {
    print("Hello from bar function!")
    return a + b

Now we can pass bar function to foo function as parameter :


Output :

Hello from bar function!

Function decorators

Decorator is a way to add some properties to a function and it is used with @ character + decorator name before function declaration.

List of available decorators in Sacalon : | Decorator | Description | | :------------- | :----------: | | @static_function | Makes function static | | @extern | Externs function(like extern in C++) |

Importing & Creating modules

A module is a package of code that can be imported into another module to use its code.

Importing a module

You can use other modules by importing them. You can import a module by using the use keyword:

use os

function main() : int {
   system("start http://www.google.com")
   return 0

Importing multiple modules

You can import multiple modules by using the use keyword and separating the module names with a comma:

use os, math, conv

For importing a submodule of a module, you can use the . operator:

use crypto.sha256

Creating a module

For creating a module, you can create a file with the same name as the module and with the extension .has and put the module code inside it:


function add(x:int, y:int) : int {
    return x + y


use add

function main() : int {
    return 0

Creating foldered modules

Module files can be placed in a folder, for creating a foldered module you should first create the folder and then create the _.has file inside it.

The _.has file is the main file of the module and compiler will look for it. You can also import submodules in _.has file.

Note: Any submodule that is not imported in _.has file will be ignored. Note: Any submodule can have other submodules.


Structures are a way to group data together. You can declare a structure using the struct keyword:

struct Color {
    var r : int
    var g : int
    var b : int
    var name = "Anything..." // optional

Note: Declaring a structure member without a type will make it optional.

After declaring a structure, you can create an instance of it:

var red = Color(255,0,0)

For accessing the fields of a structure, you should use the . operator:

var red = Color(255,0,0)

Structures as return values

You can return a structure from a function:

function foo() : Color {
    return Color(1,2,3)

Structures as arguments

You can pass a structure as an argument to a function:

function foo(c:Color) {

Structure inheritance

You can inherit a structure from another structure with : operator after the structure name:

struct RGB : Color {

And you can access the fields of the inherited structure:

var foo : RGB = RGB(1,2,3)
var bar = RGB(255,0,0,"AColor")

Memory management

Memory management is a way to manage the memory of your program. Sacalon use manual memory management because it is used in most performance-critical applications like games,OSes, embedded systems, etc.

Sacalon uses new and delete keywords to manage memory manually.


For allocating memory, you should use the new keyword. Note that type of the allocated memory should be pointer or reference type and passed type to new keyword should be a

var foo : int^ = new int(1) // allocating

For easily declaring and allocating memory, use var <name> = new <type>(<args...>) statement, like this:

var foo = new int(1)


For reallocating memory and assigning the new value to the pointer, use <pointer> = new <type>(<args...>) statement, like this:

var foo : int^ = new int(1) // allocate memory
foo = new int(2) // reallocate memory and assign new value


For deallocating memory, you should use the delete keyword and pass the pointer to the memory that you want to deallocate:

delete foo

Accessing memory

Like pointer types, you can access the allocated memory value with the ^ operator:

var foo : int^ = new int(1)

Critical notes

  • Don't forget to use the delete keyword at end of scope and before the end of the program..

In future, we will add a feature to show warnings when you forget to use the delete keyword.

  • You can't deallocate memory that you haven't allocated it without new keyword.

  • You can allocate, not allocated pointers:

var foo : int^?
foo = new int(1)

Interfacing with C++

Sacalon is based on C++, so you can use C++ functions and classes in your program.

Inline C++ Code

You can use inline c++ code in Sacalon with cuse keyword :

cuse '#include <cstdio>'
cuse 'int main(){printf("%d",1);return 0;}'
// output : 1

Or you can use multiline c++ code, like following example:

cuse """
#include <cstdio>

int main(){
    return 0;

Externing functions

For using C++ functions in your program, you should at first declare them with following syntax:

function <name>(<args...>) : <return type>

Example :

function system(command:char^):int

Include C++ headers

Also Sacalon can include C++ headers in your program. We need two files, one for headers and one for main part of the library. You should put #include,... in your_cpp_lib.hpp and main part of library in your_cpp_lib.cc. The specified files should exist in the same folder.

See the example below:

add.cc :

void __sacalon__cpp_print(int x){

add __sacalon__ to your C++ functions, structs name. Sacalon transpiles to C++ and it adds __sacalon__ prefix to your C++ names.

add.hpp :

#include <cstdio>

main.has :

cuse add 

function cpp_print(x:int)

function main() : int {
    return 0

Also you can put the C++ files in a folder and rename they to _.cc and _.hpp.

Note that don't include local headers in *.hpp file.

Accessing to values and types in inline C++ code

You can access to Sacalon's variable and types in inline C++ codes in Sacalon by adding __sacalon__ prefix to a name, for example: main.has:

function add(a:int,b:int){
    cuse """
        std::cout << a + b;

you can return a value in inline C++ codes by returning a meaningless value with same type as return type of the function(it may be ridiculous, we are currently working to improve it):

function add(a:int,b:int){
    cuse """
        return a + b;
    return 0 // return a value with same type as return type of the function

Standard Library Documentation

To read Sacalon's stdlib go to this link.

Package Manager

Sacalon has a built-in package manager that allows you to install packages from the a git repository.

Installing a package

To get and install a package, you can use the get command :

sacalon get <git url> <package name>
  • <git url> is the url of the git repository
  • <package name> is the name of the package(optional, recommended, default is the url)

Note: If you don't specify the package name, you should import it like this :

use github.com.foo.bar

Updating a package

To update a package, you can use the update command :

sacalon update <package name ot git url>

Listing packages

To list all packages, you can use the list command :

sacalon list

if you want to list all subpackages of a package, you can use the list command with name of the package :

sacalon list <package name>
  • <package name> is the name of the package you want to list subpackages

For example :

$ sacalon list crypto
list of all subpackages in crypto :
- sha256

IDE Integration

Sacalon's Roadmap


  • js backend
  • lambdas :
var mythread = thread(function(x:int,y:int){
  • generate html doc from a code
  • classes
class C : T {
    var foo : string
    var bar = 1

    // constructor
    C(foo: string){
        this.foo = foo

    public f(x: string): string {
        return x

    private f2(x: string): string {
        return x

    // allocator
    __new__(foo: string): C {
        return new C(foo)

    // deallocator
    __delete__(foo: string): C {
        delete this.foo
        delete this.bar
  • generics #26s
  • rewrite compiler in sacalon
  • const correctness

Standard Library

  • thread library

Package Manager

Sacalon's Changelog


New features


Bug fixes



Bug fixes

  • No errors when main doesn't return anything #67 (by @mehanalavimajd )

New features

  • add builtin range function
function main(): int {
    // prints 1 to 10
    for i in range(1,11){
    return 0
  • add asin, acos, asinh, acosh, exp, frexpr, ldexp, log, log10, fdim, sqrt, ceil, floor, NaN, max, min functions to math library, see documentation.
  • Showing error for overloading function's return type.


  • Speedup parsing and compiling

Bug fixes

  • fix passing list to for in statement



New features

  • add support for multiline C-style comment
  • add round function to math library


  • Sacalon relicensed from MIT license to BSD-3-Clause license

Bug fixes

  • fix string subscripting bug
  • fix empty list parsing bug
  • fix random library bugs



New features

  • add uniform distribution based random number generator called uniform in random library


  • change static decorator name to static_function name
  • rename times function to multiplies in functional library
  • rename if_and, if_or, if_not functions to _and, _or, _not in functional library

Bug fixes

  • fix package manager bug



New features

  • show error for undeleted variables from heap


  • improve math,os library
  • in functional library : change lessThanOrEqual to lessThanEqual, greaterThanOrEqual to greaterThanEqual
  • improve error handler for conditions
  • pytest based test runner(@mmdbalkhi)
  • fix conflicting with C\C++\Obj-C in FFI features
  • change static decorator name to static_function name

Bug fixes

  • fix math library bug
  • fix import package bug with _.* name
  • fix crypto.sha256 library bug


  • remove libtcc from stdlib


New features

  • add sacalon list command to list all available packages
  • add sacalon init command to create a new project, that generates config.json, .gitignore and src/app.has files
  • add sacalon build command to build project
  • add sacalon run command to run project
  • add string_reverse(str:string) function to strings module
  • add assert function to runtime library
  • add no_std compiler option
  • add filename config option


  • change emitting std::string for strings to string(because in showing assertion errors, std::string is illusory).
  • use sys.exit instead of exit in src/core/h_help.py(@mmdbalkhi)
  • fix importing system bugs
  • improve typeof builtin function

Bug fixes

  • fix assigning NULL to arrays and pointers bug, #36.
  • fix check_g++ config option bugs
  • fix not defined consts when importing packages
  • fix random library bug
  • fix browser library bug


  • remove windows,browser libraries

Bug fixes

  • fix a critical bug in importing system


  • upgrade importing system
  • some changes in self hosted compiler(NOTE: self hosted compiler is not ready yet)

Bug fixes

  • fix import bug when importing one package in multiple files
  • fix self hosted bugs


  • Rewrite package manager

Bug fixes

  • fix http library bug
  • fix cpp importing bug

New features

  • passing functions as arguments
function f(x: int): int {
    return x + 1

function g(func:Function[int]int): int {
    return func(1)


  • upgrade importing system

Bug fixes

  • fix pyinstaller build issue




  • add download,upload,post functions to http library
  • https support for http library
  • add windows library(that includes windows.h)
  • add browser library to open urls in default browser(now only supports windows)

Bug fixes

  • fix linker flag import bug in cuse statement


New features

  • non-nullable and nullable variables


  • change pointer unary from * to ^
  • improve importing system

Bug fixes

  • fix repetitious imports bug
  • fix #29 bug(by @mmdbalkhi)


  • remove token library


New features

  • manual memory management with new and delete keyword
  • functional programming paradigm
  • speed up compilation time
  • add typeof function
  • now can print arrays and structures
  • function decorators
  • static and extern decorator
  • multiple library import
  • improve importing system
  • improve stdlib architecture

Bug fixes

  • fix scoping bug
  • fix conv library bug
  • fix conditions bug


  • export library removed
  • local use statement removed


New features

  • more data types : int8,uint8,int16,uint16,int32,uint32,int64,uint64,double
  • type compatibility
  • multi line string
  • pointers and references
var x : *int = 20
var y : int = 10
x = &y
var z = *x // type : int

// Pointers fix incomplete types on struct defination
struct bar {
    var self : *bar
  • add sizeof function

Bug fixes

  • fix lexer bugs
  • check if function returns a value at end of string else show error
  • main function should returns int
  • fix termcolor library bugs
  • fix enum bugs

Standart library

  • add sdl2 wrapper
  • add export library for exporting to C(see : haspy)
  • add crypto.sha256 for sha256 hashing


  • libcinfo library removed


Standard library


os :

  • add compiler_name function to get the name of the compiler
  • add arch function to get the architecture of the system
  • add is_x86 function to check if the architecture is x86
  • add is_x64 function to check if the architecture is x64
  • add getenv function to get an environment variable
  • add libcinfo library to get information about the libc
  • add termcolor library to colorize the output


Bug fixes

  • Fix incomplete type defination bug


New features

  • compiler option : now can generate c++ code from sacalon code with c++_code : 1 in config.json file
  • use cuse keyword to include c++ files.

Bug fixes

  • Fix semantic analyser bugs
  • Fix standard library bug


New features

  • struct inheritance
  • can use cuse statement on struct declaration

Bug fixes

  • Fix variable scope bug
  • Fix variable declaration bug
  • Fix semantic analyser bug


New features

  • for in statement
  • library manager
  • flag option
  • cuse statement

Bug fixes

  • Fix semantic analyser bugs
  • Fix nested struct bug


  • for to and for downto statement removed


New features

  • Basic Semantic Anaslyser


  • remove semicolon from syntax