Hello World!

Now that you have successfully installed Sacalon, let's write our first program with it. You will write a program that prints Hello World! on the terminal.

Creating a project directory

You can write your Sacalon programs every where but, we suggest that you create a directory for your project.

At first, create a directory in your home directory(or anywhere else):

mkdir hello_world
cd hello_wrold

Writing the code

Next make a new file and name it main.has. Sacalon files should end with .has extension.

Now open your code editor (If you are using vscode install sacalon extension for better coding from this link) and write the following code in main.has :

function main() : int {
    print("Hello World!")
    return 0

Save the file, and return to the terminal and enter the following command to build your program :

sacalon main.has

Now run the generated excutable file :

$ ./main
Hello World!

On Windows you should use .\main.exe instead of ./main :

$ .\main.exe
Hello World!

Congratulations - you just wrote and executed your first Sacalon program!

Reviewing the code

Let's review our simple program. Here's the first piece of the program:

function main() : int {

These lines define a function that returns an integer number. The main function is the entry point of your program and it should always return int(an integer). If there were parameters, they would go inside the parentheses, ().

Also, note that function statements should be in {} and you can write function codes inside {}.

Inside the main function is the following code :

print("Hello World!")

This code print the passed arguments, you can pass more parameters :

print("Hello World!",42,3.14)

After the calling print command, there is the following statement :

return 0

It returns 0 at the end of the function, every function that returns a value(declared with : after () in a function declaration) should return a value corresponding to the type.

Returning the 0 value in main function tell the OS that your program has executed successfully.