Conditional statements

Conditional statements are used to execute a block of code if a condition is true or false.


You can use the if keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")


You can use the else keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is false:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")
} else {
    print("foo is not 1")

Else if

You can use the else if statement to execute a block of code, if else if a condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
if foo == 1 {
    print("foo is 1")
} else if foo == 2 {
    print("foo is 2")
} else {
    print("foo is not 1 or 2")

and and or and not

You can use the and keyword to execute a block of code, if all conditions are true:

var foo : int = 1
var bar : int = 2
if foo == 1 and bar == 2 {
    print("foo is 1 and bar is 2")

You can use the or keyword to execute a block of code, if at least one condition is true:

var foo : int = 1
var bar : int = 2
if foo == 1 or bar == 2 {
    print("foo is 1 or bar is 2")

You can use the not keyword to execute a block of code, if a condition is false:

var foo : int = 1
if not foo == 1 {
    print("foo is not 1")

Conditional Operators

==Returns true if the operands are equal.var1 == var2
!=Returns true if the operands are not equal.var1 != var2
>Returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand.var1 > var2
>=Returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.var1 >= var2
<Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand.var1 < var2
<=Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.var1 <= var2
andReturns true if the left operand and right operand are truevar1 == 1 and var2 == 2
orReturns true if the left operand or right operand are truevar1 == 1 or var2 == 2
notReturns true if the operand are false or if the operand is true returns falsenot true