Project Manager

Sacalon has a builtin build system and project manager. This tool builds and runs your project, and installs dependencies.

Creating a new project

Let's create a new project and compare it with the Hello World example in previous chapter.

To create a project you should create a directory for your project :

$ mkdir hello_world_2
$ cd hello_world_2

Now we create a new project with following command :

$ sacalon init

After running above command, you’ll see Sacalon has generated two files and one directory for us: a config.json file, a .gitignore file and a src directory with a app.has file inside.

config.json :

	"filename": "src/app.has", 
	"outfile": "build/app", 

The filename field contains your main file that contains your entry function(main) and outfile field is output path of excutable file.

src/app.has :

function main():int{
	print("Hello World!")
	return 0

The generated Sacalon file contains Hello World! program, you can edit it.

Building a project

You can build the project with following command :

$ sacalon build

Excutable file will generate in build directory and you can run it with following command :

$ ./build/app

Running a project

To run the project, you can use run command :

$ sacalon run
Hello World!

That builds excutable file and runs it.